Equine Influenza Update


Equine Influenza is a highly contagious disease affecting horses, donkeys and mules and causing respiratory symptoms. In light of the current UK outbreak, we are asking all of our Members’ clients to take the following preventative action to help to reduce risk of contamination:
– Notify your visiting EP if any of the horses on your yard have been diagnosed with, or are showing potential symptoms of Equine Influenza, prior to your appointment
– Notify your visiting EP if there have been any new equine arrivals on your yard in the two weeks prior to your appointment
– Notify your visiting EP if your horse or any horse your horse has contact with has attended an equine gathering in the two weeks prior to your appointment

Individual EPs have been advised to consider taking additional biosecurity precautions in light of the outbreak, but providing the information above will allow your EP to make a risk assessment prior to visiting, and to take additional precautions where the risk is higher.
If you suspect your horse is showing any of the symptoms of equine influenza, please contact your veterinary surgeon without delay.
For more information on biosecurity measures you can take as a horse owner, and for detailed information on equine flu symptoms, please follow the link

About the Author: EPA Secretary